Tactical Beer Wizards (Tanked Up 418)

Ben is still playing some eFootball, in all its card collecting glory. Lucy finished “Crimson Diamond”, and moved on to “Tactical Breach Wizards”. Lucy has Deya’s “Viva Chelt Vegas”...
Tactical Beer Wizards (Tanked Up 418)

Ben is still playing some eFootball, in all its card collecting glory. Lucy finished “Crimson Diamond”, and moved on to “Tactical Breach Wizards”.

Lucy has Deya’s “Viva Chelt Vegas” Imperial Stout. Ben has Wiper and True’s peach and lemon iced tea pale ale, “Parasol”. Aadil has the Weekend Project’s “Flower Mountain”, floral NEIPA.


Aadil Kurji is an enigma. It is said that if you say Aadil into a mirror 6 times whilst standing on his face he will get very angry. Aadil makes up the entire team of the Out of Lives Canadian branch and for that he is sorry. Aadil hosts the popular beer and gaming podcast Tanked Up
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